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We Finally Know the Number of Excess US Deaths Since the Vaccines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been desperately trying to cover up a massive increase in all-cause mortality that has happened in the United States since the COVID vaccine rollout in January of 2021. We know from data in other countries that there is a direct correlation between high vaccination rates and increases in all-cause mortality. But the CDC has been dragging its feet on releasing statistical data that would give us a clear picture of what is happening here.

Fortunately, an international organization tracks excess deaths extremely well for most countries, and it has now publicly released the data that the CDC has been hiding. And that data shows that more than a million extra Americans have died since the shots were introduced.

As we’ve covered previously, tracking deaths is of the few tasks that governments actually do a really good job at. All-cause mortality is tracked using a five-year average. If you have a spike in all-cause mortality, it is normally a huge red flag. Shifts by a percentage point or two are normal in ACM. Shifts by a much larger amount tell you that something has gone seriously wrong in terms of your nation’s health.


It’s been incredibly frustrating getting any good data out of the CDC for the past two years of this Covid shot experiment on humans. We know that lots of extra people are dying, but it has been impossible to figure out how many. For example, numerous life insurance companies have told us they’ve been paying out a lot more premiums than normal. But it’s impossible to get precise death counts from that. Not everyone has life insurance from the same company, so the figures have been scattered.

But now the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OEC) in France has released excess death data for the United States. We’re not sure why the OEC tracks excess deaths in countries, but there you have it.

According to the OEC, we’ve had 1,106,079 excess deaths in America between January of 2021 and September of 2022.

We had a huge spike in excess deaths during the first 8 weeks of 2022. The peak was during the fourth week in January 2022, when excess deaths were 45% higher than in week 4 of 2020. From week 9 through week 41 of this year, excess deaths have leveled off and are averaging about 15% higher than in the same weeks in 2020. Why the huge spike in the first 8 weeks of this year?

Since I follow data from a huge variety of sources in the “misinformation” community, I have a theory. Steve Kirsch has conducted some highly accurate statistical analysis and polling on Covid shot deaths. Through his valuable research, Steve has hypothesized that a person is most likely to die at around the five-month mark after receiving their second mRNA dose.

What was happening five months prior to the huge January-February spike this year?

The height of the Joe Biden vaccine mandate frenzy was happening in August and September of 2021. The military mandates were going into effect. The OSHA rule mandating vaccines for all companies with more than 100 employees was in effect and had not yet been overturned by the Supreme Court. Lots of people were rushing out and taking the shots in a panic, because they were afraid of losing their jobs. Five months later, America had a huge spike in all-cause mortality.

1.1 million excess deaths have occurred in America since the Covid shots were mass-introduced in the population. As many of us have said, we don’t know that it’s the vaccines… but it’s the vaccines.

For all of you vaccine fanatics out there who refuse to believe that something has gone horribly awry with this experiment, and who believe that the government would never lie to you about anything, please explain to us what caused those 1.1 million extra deaths. If it was not the mRNA shots, then what was it?

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15 thoughts on “We Finally Know the Number of Excess US Deaths Since the Vaccines”

  1. So here we getting our information from foreign country! CDC shall be responsible for these deaths. Every family should file a lawsuit against CDC! That lost love one. Then gile a wrongful death lawsuit against BIDEN.

  2. The COVID VAXX isn’t a vaccine, but a genetic therapy designed for DNA, bodily disruption and DEPOPULATION, because elites like Bill Gates and Fauci claim there are too many people on planet Earth! Epoch has monitored this travesty well without political and big pharma manipulation. The CDC and similar orgs have been corrupt for decades.

  3. commie china has been working on population control for decades
    covid 19 vaccine = population control
    gender manipulation=population control
    commie democrats =population control

  4. How can one be expected to trust a government organization who has been proven to have botched the AIDS pandemic and is responsible for human rights violations during the Polio Vaccine Experiments.

  5. isnt it amazing that the us gov is paying to have our people killed and noone is ever held accountable deepstate wins

  6. These shots were a collected effort by many organizations to either save lives like most of science thought or to intentionally kill! I am sure hundreds of administrators and doctors and scientist thought what a life saver this would be for humanity, but then there is the dark side . Go to the top to see , then follow the money !

    1. First of all it is not a vaccine. The ONLY thing these mRNA therapies have in common with actual vaccines is that they are injected! Secondly, people all over the world have been dropping dead suddenly since the advent of the shots. If you have some insight as to the reason why so many seemingly healthy people are dying, there are millions of us who would like to know. And thirdly, how does “That sort of BS costs lives”? I’m going to bet that you know at least one person who has died without warning since taking a shot. I do. I know at least two. One was my father. So why don’t you give US a break and do a little serious research before sticking your head in the sand.

  7. Birth rates are dropping, Miscarriages are increasing, Cancers formerly in remissions, are coming back, Transplants are being rejected, Global Population reduction, sure seems to be the answers, after the push to “Vaccinate” the World.

  8. Go to the USA patent website, look at covid 19, it was invented by the pentagon and NIH, look up covid 19 vaccines, was also invented by the pentagon and NIH, this covid pandemic was invented and distributed by the pentagon to depopulate the USA because everyone voted for trump

  9. It was invented to defeat Trump, change election rules, mail in voting and ballot harvesting and such, the virus was the flu re-named or explain why we had no flu that year? I saw it but with crooked officials and money involved the regular people get fucked, they are ignorant and keep voting for democrats, the very ones killing them cause they all got vaxxed, I didn’t but I got a tetanus booster that made me sick for 4 months, no more vaccines for me, I’m 64 so thats that, but covid was the flu, scam to undue Trump and go backwards, it worked and no one will ever be held accountable.

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