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Former CIA Director ADMITS to Setting Up Fake Hunter Biden Laptop Letter to Help Biden Win Election

It was revealed earlier this week that Joe Biden’s campaign was behind the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials that FALSELY claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was nothing more than “Russian disinformation.”

But now a former CIA director has come forward ADMITTING that he helped them put this letter together because he wanted to see Joe Biden win the 2020 election.

Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell said he was approached by a senior campaign official in the Biden camp to “help Biden” by organizing 50 colleagues to sign onto the infamous letter.


Morell testified before the House Judiciary Committee that the senior campaign official in question was none other than Antony Blinken who is now the Secretary of State!

Blinken reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, just three days after the New York Post released an email from the laptop exposing the fact that Hunter Biden had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Morell plainly admits that he quickly got on board with the CIA organized disinformation campaign because he wanted to “help Vice President Biden … because [he] wanted him to win the election.”

The acting CIA chief notes, however, that prior to Blinken calling on him to aide the campaign, he had NO INTENTION of writing any letter or statement about the Bidens or the laptop. That’s because there was NO REASON for him to do so except for to help the Democrats rig an election – which is exactly what happened!

Morell agreed that the conversation with Blinken “triggered … that intent” in him.

The very same night that the two men spoke about fabricating this lie to protect Joe and his family, Blinken emailed Morell a USA Today article claiming that the FBI was examining whether Hunter’s laptop was part of a “disinformation campaign.”

At the bottom of Blinken’s email was the signature block of Andrew Bates, then-director of rapid response for the Biden campaign.

Morell said he ​​did “a little bit of [his] own research,” and then quickly reached out to retired CIA senior operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos for assistance in compiling the letter discrediting all reporting on the laptop.

He spent the next few days gathering the signatures for the complete lie of a letter – INCLUDING himself and FOUR other former CIA directors counting John Brennan.

Then Morell helped to orchestrate exactly where the signed letter was sent, even controlling the way that the media responded to this fake letter.

The letter alleged that The Post story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Then-candidate Joe Biden used the letter during the Oct. 22 debate against Donald Trump, successfully to deflect accusations about his involvement in his family’s international influence peddling operation.

What we’re looking at here could be the most blatant election rigging attempt in recent history – and IT WORKED! Joe Biden and his team are as CORRUPT as they come and it’s now been proven they CHEATED to get in the White House!

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36 thoughts on “Former CIA Director ADMITS to Setting Up Fake Hunter Biden Laptop Letter to Help Biden Win Election”

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    1. We The People cannot allow another minute of this lying corruption. He needs to be removed now, F’cheat!

      1. Agree. Now this is added to all the fraud and cheating that happened to get this fool into the WH so that Obama could have a 3rd term to complete the “fundamental change” (read destruction of the U.S.) that he wanted during his 8 years of seeding govt agencies with his lackies who are still doing his treacherous bidding.

      2. treason, corruption, it is a criminal cartel, drugs killing children, perversion being taught in schools, a sick sick destroying country administration. There aren’t words but their are prison they should be ataken to.

      3. I totally agree with you. I hope someone does something before it is to late. Everyone should vote his a— out of the White House before 2024.

  3. I think that he should be put out of the Whitehouse by the military he lied cheated and the supreme court should do their duty and overturn this election we all know that Obama is having his third term I think Soros should be run out of the country I think the Clinton’s Obama’s and Bidens and Kamala all need to be put in jail for treason trump is the best we ever had and he needs to be put back in the place he belongs I saw so many people bringing in ballots to this guy and they made 50.000 and 70.000and one said we got to hurry the election is in 16 days so please tell the supreme court do their duty or the patriots need to take over this is not right thank you

    1. I only wish that there was a fast track way to not only impeach Biden, but If he’s impeached there’s still Kamala. And the Democratic-led Senate (plus RINOs like McConnell) won’t vote they main man out. We’ve got to stop every last move that Biden tries to make, like bullying the House Republicans into allowing him to get all of that waste in his budget passed. Mayorkas definitely needs to be shown the door; his budget asks for more border personnel – to do paperwork so that more “Voters for Democrats” can be allowed into the country. One very important person who sending, if ever, is brought up: Obama’s Right Hand Girl, Susan Rice, who is the Director of Public Policy, an Executive Branch position which didn’t require Senate confirmation. She sure has been quiet, huh? A little over a month ago, Sleepy Joe put her in charge of making sure that the DEI nonsense is put in every federal government office so that equity becomes the norm, rather than equality. I’m a paralegal, a damn good one, and I’ve been researching caselaw and statutes to defeat that nonsense, which is discriminatory. I truly believe that one of the main devil’s in this mix is Ms. Rice, who actually sent herself emails on the last day of Obama’s presidency which would cover their asses on some of the things done to get the heat off of Hilary. Regardless of what Congress does, a new AG needs to file charges against the whole Biden Crime Family Sydicate under the RICO statutes., Biden’s AG is also on that bye bye list, as he, along with Director Wray of the FBI, have both perjured themselves concerning the status of the laptop by not answering any questions because, as both have said, it was still an “ongoing investigation”, which a whistleblower at the IRS has said has been completed for over a year. But back to some legal fillings, something needs to be done, some lawsuit, injunction, anything which will stop that old fool from tearing down anymore of our country. Needs to be fast tracked to the Supreme Court. May God guide those Good Citizens to decide a plan to save our Republic and deliver Justice to those traitors who stole the election. Damn, Trump has been right about everything! I haven’t been this angry ever before in my life, and I hope others aren’t happy about this list and crook we have for a leader. Those of you who voted for him have a responsibility to make amends and help out. Don’t vote for one more Democrat, even for dogcatcher. Help, orstay out of the way.

  4. This is worse then red china. Russia or all the others. And this is america if the Supreme Court doesnt overturn the election and put them all in jail with the military help then their just as crooked. All Americans need to stand up and fight if need be.we cant last much longer under these Crooks.

  5. Is anyone surprised by this? Good moral people can’t get elected to serve the people anymore. We are living in a godless society where evil is good , and good is evil..just like the Bible said would come. So sad

  6. Every American should read the Declaration of Independence where it states that if government oversteps their power, We the people have the right to remove them from office. Now is the time to do that!!!! The people are in Washington to REPRESENT US. We are the employers not employees. This is OUR COUNTRY, We the People of the United States Of America! It’s time WE STAND STRONG and take back our country from a few who want to RULE AND DICTATE US!

  7. Now that the truth is out there, get these evil corrupt criminals out of our white House and send the whole bunch to prison for treason against america. My god if the supreme court had done their job in the begining these miserable scum would not be in office. Now Supreme court do the job right this time and get them the hell out now.

  8. Nice to know that the people at the top are so principled!
    We have people like Mr. Morell fir the failure of our country,for our loss of prestige in the world,
    THANKS SO MUCH; isn’t there a law for interferring in a federal election? I hope you pay a price!

  9. This Rat Bastard should have been impeached the first day in office because he is no god dam good and his family is just as bad with classified records going back to when he was a senator if that don’t tell you how bad he is then your all stupid, Every day he gets up and stands in front of us like were bunch of complete assholes and lies to our face about every thing and any thing and we just seem not to be able to do a thing about it, Just tell me one thing WHY is this asshole still in office when we have enough on him and his kid to IMPEACH his sorry ass ??? WHY IS HE STILL IN OFFICE ??????? He has destroyed our country and everything in it , Don’t these DEmarats know that they live here two so just wait till one of their kids dies from a gun shot or an overdose of drugs so what is wrong with that party ? Sure AOC to me means ASS hole of congress , I”ll tell you he doesn’t know what the fic;k is going on. They’re just as NUTS as he is. GOD help us please. Above me in this paper is just one way how he stole the last election and we seen many more ways on t.v. in the past BUT when you have the doJ backing him and the Supreme court that doesn’t have the balls to take up the case I guess we are shot in the ass as far as getting him out of office.

  10. All talk! We the people should have already taken action. Hillary has shown them the way. Just make it through today, every day. Getting caught doesn’t matter.

    1. Dennis, I agree, totally! I know I saw enough before and during the election that Trump was right.
      We need President Trump back in the White House ,NOW, so he can help God save this country and God’s world.

  11. He will not be impeached because that would make Harris our president and I don’t know which is worse. If Harris is impeached, who would be our president? Pelosi? God help us. We are in a situation right now that needs to be changed, but all I can see is the possibility that the changes would be even worse, if that’s possible. Maybe not, I don’t really know, but if something isn’t done, we may not have a country left by 2024.

  12. Biden is a complete idiot and we are in big trouble. Guarantee you if an uprising happens im all in its really hard to beleive that everybody just wakes up and goes about thier business every day like nothings wrong.

  13. Mabye when he rolls out the Biden buck and tells everybody to turn in thier cash people will wake up but that will b too late. And it’s coming soon!!

  14. Pelosi is no longer speaker of the house. If Biden the burden is impeached with Harris the laughing jackals, then the new speaker of the house might move into the job.

  15. I don’t know why information like this is even revealed because nothing will ever be done about it. Like Hilary’s emails. All this is rubbed in our faces and everything is business as usual.

  16. It’s time to turn to God and let Him help us take care of this MESS! When Biden speaks, I TURN OFF the TV. I refuse to listen to anything he says. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

    1. +1
      I believe that only God has the power needed to uproot and cast out all of the demons running our country. And they ARE demons serving Satan. One only needs to look at their agenda to know this is true:
      The removal of God from our society, the destruction of the family unit, parents who try to fight back are labeled terrorists, promotion of the sexual desecration of God’s creations, mainstream media seeding despair, DHS flooding our country with lethal drugs and criminals, FBI persecution of the Catholic church-branding them radical traditional Catholics and targeting them. This is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!
      This is more than a political battle. It is a direct attack on our God-fearing Founding Father’s goals for this country, and the very soul of our nation. Trump tried to “drain the swamp” and you see what they did to him-from both sides. Evil has too tight of a grip, and is too deeply embedded in our country to be cast out without divine intervention.
      Join me in a prayer for America – PLEASE!

  17. Why can’t the 2020 election be thrown out and they all have to go. The outcome of the 2020 election was riged, I watched votes flip that were caught on video, so the whole thing was illegal.
    I did see a video about when President Trump was leaving DC and when he was getting on Air Force One, the military inaugerarted him as President.
    Everyone involved in this belongs in prison for life.


  19. Way past time to end this administration in the people’s house. There is info now creditable enough to run POTUS and his appointee’s out of DC and down to Gitmo for a long, long time. Start the wheels of justice rolling ASAP…. And while we are at it, time to run a couple past White House residents into court for a come to Jesus meeting.


  21. Biden saying he had no influence in Hunters business dealings is like another famous democrat saying he didn’t have sex with that girl, Monika Lewinski. This guy has lied from day one, when are we going to act? Trump was right again, and the trials will prove that the election nonsense was true

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