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Footage from Inside the Capitol Building on January 6th Shreds Democrats’ Bogus Narrative about Trump Supporters FOR GOOD

Whatever remained of the left’s January 6th narrative which painted Trump supporters as some kind of violent terrorists partaking in an insurrection has been DESTROYED thanks to 40,000+ hours of real footage from the Capitol released by House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Democrats spent years and millions of taxpayer dollars to claim J6 was proof that MAGA Republicans and Trump Supporters are dangerous threats to America which need to be dealt with – but the footage makes it clear that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The unedited videos showed thinks like the protestors casually walking through the Capitol building after being let in by Capitol Police, and even several of the officers fist-bumping protestors as they let them walk around the historic building taking pictures.

Most of the hours of footage show Capitol police officers acting as tour guides to protestors who are clearly enamored with the beautiful building. The amount of times you can see protesters taking pictures and selfies is ridiculous. Nobody is causing violence as they wander into the building and they’re not breaking anything.


Overall, the footage proved that the Trump supporters were overwhelmingly peaceful and even aided by the Capitol Police – contrary to the kinds of violent protests we’ve seen by Antifa and Pro-Palestine protesters which Democrats have claimed have been “mostly peaceful.”

The footage calls into question the entire existence of the Jan. 6 committee which, now more than ever, has been exposed as a massive propaganda campaign against Trump and his supporters.

What’s worse is that fraudulent Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger who sat on the committee not only LET the Democrats get away with spreading this propaganda – but even HELPED them!

These RINOs wanted to demonize the MAGA movement just as much as the Democrats.

Republican Sen. Mike Lee called out both Cheney and Kizinger for exactly that, exposing them for helping to keep this kind of footage hidden while simultaneously peddling selectively edited videos to suggest that the protest was actually far worse than it really worse.

Cheney, for her part, is not throwing in the towel on the propaganda push that easily! Even after the 40,000 + hours of footage were released, the phony Republican pushed out ANOTHER selectively edited video to try and reaffirm everything the J6 committee propagated for years – but that didn’t work and she was SHREDDED in response to it.

Now the committee itself is facing potential investigations as its become clear that they were intentionally misleading and deceiving the American people.

Lee referred to the J6 committee as a “sham” that should have never been funded by taxpayers, while suggesting that these politicians – on a clear mission to take down the entire MAGA movement – could have “deliberately lost or destroyed” critical information which would have exposed the truth about the fateful day long ago.

Cheney and Kizinger both knew exactly what they were doing and thankfully they’re both no longer in office but that’s not enough.

There needs to be some accountability for everyone on that committee who spread these LIES which landed innocent protesters in prison for up to 25 years!


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20 thoughts on “Footage from Inside the Capitol Building on January 6th Shreds Democrats’ Bogus Narrative about Trump Supporters FOR GOOD”

  1. President Trump + everyone that was arrested in J6. needs to sue every single on it this sh**t show + Piglosi. Mayor of DC, FBI, and other crooks for all lawyers fees and all damages that this sh***t show cause this people.

    1. Working on line for a minimum of two to eighteen dollars a day for a while. My best buddy’s story gives me an idea of what to do and costs $29,000. However, I don’t think it’s worth it since it’s so bd02 real, unlike the fal­l­o­w­ing l­i­n­k that I h­a­v­e.

      A l­o­o­k a­t i­t————————————–>>>

  2. Real justice is rare these days but hopefully there are enough people elected by the people who can make it happen. Never once did most of us who are MAGA supporters believe the liar’s club, THE INFAMOUS DNC. Collect the evidence, charge all of them including old lady Pelosi, and jail them. The ones incarcerated should be freed, compensated, and have legal recourse against the J6 bunch who used them for yet another fake charade against the people of this nation.

    1. I agree 110%. The only thing that people forget to mention is the fact that Pelosi (disgusting creature that she is) and the Feds were behind and instigaters of the whole thing. Pelosi and Cheney deserve the worst punishment.

  3. Everyone on that sham committee should be held responsible for reimbursing the American Taxpayers for the cost of their $hit show!

  4. Every person on the Jan. 6 committee should reimburse the American people all the money they spent on their investigation!! Lying to the American people!!! GITMO for every POS on that committee!!! Put them on the side of the road in orange jumpsuits picking up trash and put them on the 5 o’clock news for ALL to see!! They have allowed HATE for one man mare their decisions and it shows how privileged they think they are!!!!

  5. All the people that have been put in prison for this democrat shit show should be let out ASAP. There is nothing on this earth lower than the democrat party. And Cheney and Kizinger should be put in jail in there place.

    1. It’s not enough to put these rotten traitors in Jail. They should all be charged for murder as well for the “prisoners” that died under their lies and false imprisonment.

      1. You got that exactly right. Let the people who have been incarcerated all this time at ’em. I bet they wouldn’t try anything like that again.

  6. Now I am waiting for our “DOJ” to line them up and put them in jail and release all Maga people who are sitting there subject os their lies.

  7. The SCOTUS needs to get involved!! The CORRUPT judiciary system of DC needs to be gutted!!! The J6 Committee needs to be arrested for perjury, false imprisonment, and anything else they committed!!! Peeloser and the Capital police that lied, the FBI involved to incite violence needs to be addressed!!!
    But you know the DEM-O-RATS will block everything from happening!!! If you vote for any DEM-O-RAT/RINO in any election going forward, you are just as GUILTY as these people identified above!!!!!!!

  8. What esle is this idiot crawl in fraudulent president going to do before we can get him out of office !. Now tbe idiot is using our tax money for A misguided attempt to phase out gas-powered furnaces and tote in electric heat pumps ( should ask all the american people first about taking stuff away and what they want for replacement).and he is going to use the Defense production Act of 1950 , this is a blafact abuse of presidential power and a clear case of corperate welfare. This fraudulent crawl in president is going to have this country so tore up before we can get him out that no one will be able to fix it !! Of course that is what the democrat virus wants in case they do get put out !! The only one who could have a chance in fixing all the damage done is Trump. Now im hoping he makes it. Our country has to get rid of this horrible virus that is the democrats.

  9. 100 per cent correct anyone who would vote for these fraudulent ass holes has piss for brains and should not be allow to vote !!. This nasty lower than anything on earth Democrat virus has to be stopped. There acting so above the law and doing everything there way know matter what has got to stop. They all need in prison for treason against the United States of America. This is the worse bunch of democrats and the worse bunch of Rinos to ever hit our country. Them poor people in prison for 25 years for nothing !! . Them dam dirty low live scrum of the earth needs put in a rocket and blasted off Into space. But then our space would be infested with the democrats virus !!!. Lets vote these horrible things out in 2024 show them how much we hate there walking all over us. Lets vote the one in who should already be in TRUMP .

  10. The entire J6 committee has committed Treason and they should be lined up against a concrete wall and shot like our country used to do to traitors!

  11. People seem to forget that President Trump asked Speaker of the House Pelosi if she wanted the National Guard to help with crowd control on Jan 6. She declined. And yet there are a lot of people that blame Trump for the madness that took place! Seems to me that is terribly wrong to do, chastise the man that tried to help!

  12. Democrats and rhino’s have no shame. Now if you get paid by swamp by all means vote them back in but we the people have had enough.

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