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1 in 310 Boosted Brits Died within 48 Days of Receiving a Third COVID Shot

Independent researchers in the UK have uncovered a shocking new statistic related to the COVID booster shots. Using data from that country’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), they’ve determined that 1 out of every 310 boosted Britons is dying within 7 weeks of receiving the booster shot.

Meanwhile, the unvaccinated are dying at a rate much lower than that. This means that the only thing that could be causing excess deaths in the UK is the COVID booster shots.

The ONS is not quite as corrupt as the CDC here in America when it comes to publishing vital statistical data. They publish all-cause mortality reports on a monthly and quarterly basis, regardless of what the results show. If the CDC finds data to be embarrassing about the COVID shots or how the unvaccinated are now outliving the vaxed by a lot, they’ll just refuse to publish it and keep insisting that everyone get boosted, while shrieking, “There’s nothing to see here!”


Back in September of 2022, the ONS in the UK published a dataset titled, “‘Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination, England: January to March 2022.” It’s on the ONS website HERE.

Independent researchers at The Exposé did a deep dive into the numbers and found yet more damning results that the COVID shots are killing people at a higher rate than any previous vaccine in history. That includes all the vaccines that were pulled off the market over the years due to triggering safety signals.

In January, February and March of 2022, there were 62,801 boosted Brits who died. These were all people who had been boosted on or before December 31, 2021. The same document showed that they all died within an average of 48 days (7 weeks) of receiving the booster shot. 4,781 of the deaths were categorized as COVID deaths, meaning that despite having three “vaccines” the coronavirus still killed them.

The September dataset does not compare these excess deaths among the boosted to the unvaccinated, so the researchers had to track that down in a different spot on the ONS website. It showed that between January 1 and May 31 of 2022, 91% of all excess deaths were among the vaccinated. Only 9% of deaths were among the unvaccinated. That separate dataset is HERE on the ONS site.

So much for that winter of death that Joe Biden threatened against the unvaxed.

The ONS reports that there were 19,473,570 total Brits who were boosted by December 31, 2021. That’s divided among 8,901,895 men and 10,671,705 women (assuming there are only two genders).

It becomes a simple math problem then. Divide 19,473,570 boosted people by 62,801 boosted deaths, and you get a death rate of 1 in 310 among the boosted, within 48 days of receiving the third COVID shot. The data does not take factors like age or co-morbidities into account, but that’s still a huge difference between the death rates among the boosted and the unvaccinated.

The Exposé’s researchers then compared death rates that they do know, stratified by age, and found the following:

“The official figures unfortunately confirm that mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated populations in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.”

The death rates among the unvaccinated in England are the lowest in every age group. An 80-year-old unvaccinated person is less likely to die than an 80-year-old who has been boosted. An unvaccinated teenager is far less likely to die than a boosted teenager.

The vaccinated are dying at much higher rates than the unvaccinated, and the gap is accelerating with every month that passes. That’s what the data says, even as government health authorities continue to tell us that people are dying from shaking their duvet too vigorously or falling asleep with the television on.

That’s why the CDC drags its feet and stonewalls on releasing data here in the United States. They know that it will show similar devastating statistics when it comes to the American population. To this date, almost no one in Congress is holding the CDC’s feet to the fire, as the bodies of the boosted continue to pile up.

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13 thoughts on “1 in 310 Boosted Brits Died within 48 Days of Receiving a Third COVID Shot”

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  5. Surprise?Haven’t anybody awakened to mRNA “vaccine”?It has nothing to do with Covid,but a trial run in an old “Depopulation” scheme the Elite ,NWO plus all Sheeple that follow them.

    1. I have to say Babsan that I am finding it more and more dificult by the day to dispute your mRNA theories.
      Perhaps it is due to that inbuilt “trust” we are taught from an early age that our “governments” actually “care” about the people who “elect them” !
      Back to reality – I find it impossible these days to identify ANY “Government” or even “Administration” anywhere in the World that can be shown to give even the slightest of “damns” about those who entrust it with their well-being.

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  6. This is a good example on how to lie with statistics. The author of this article clearly does not know the difference between cause-and-effect and correlation, which any college freshman taking a statistics course does understand. I am a statistician and have also had 3 COVID booster shots, including the bivalent, as well as the original 2 shot Pfizer vaccine series. I am 70 years old and my wife is 76. I never had any side effects at all; In the last 3 years I never got COVID untii last year in Europe, after I had my 3 boosters. I tested positive, had a slight runny nose, and tested negative again in three days – no illness. My wife had the same booster series, tested positive, did not even have a runny nose, and tested negative in two days. The boosters clearly did their job. Other friends who were unvaccinated died of COVID in a horrible death on a ventilator in a hospital .

    What about the statistics cited in the article? It is a because of correlation, not cause-and-effect. The people who get boosters are older, with a weaker immune system, and may have other co-morbitaties such as diabetes, obesity etc. and THEY GET A BOOSTER BECAUSE TTHEY KNOW THEY ARE VULNERABLE TO COVID AND DO NOT WANT TO DIE OF COVID. of course they die of some other disease, most are over 60. The people who choose NOT to get boosted, tend to be younger and healthier and will recover much faster if they get COVID, so they are not motivated to get boosted. The death statistics cited in this very flawed article are the result of the boosted people being much older and less healthy, most would have died anyway of another disease , even without being boosted – in fact, boosters probably save the life of many thousands of them.

    1. That claim that “the people who get boosters are older” is STATISTICALLY UNTRUE ( mathematically also 😉 ) Boosters were “required” by ALL, and currently “they” are pushing for the vaccination ( which these doses of mRNA are NOT for they DO NOT prevent transfer or catching of the disease ! ) for babies from birth onwards – when proper medical opinion remains that babies and children including teens remain amongst the least likely to suffer serious ( if any ) illness due to COVID.
      For me this proves the “FOLLOW THE MONEY” science – many world leading “COVID criminals” are getting RICH whilst the mere populace are dieing in their tens of thousands !
      Go Figure !

    2. …and I am almost 71 years old – Never had any Covid vaccine or booster.

      I tested positive for Covid twice, once in 2021 and then again in 2022 – Both times it was a non-event. First time I had zero symptoms, my wife had developed a cough, so her employer insisted that we both be tested – Both came back positive – Two weeks later I re-tested negative. Her cough went away after about 3-4 weeks.

      The second time, I had a runny nose and slight headache for about 24-36 hours. Tested positive again. A week later negative. I’ve had far worse “common colds” – To paraphrase your own sentence: My immune system clearly did its job.

      You talk about “cause-and-effect and correlation” – How about the skewed cause-and-effect correlation that led to the vastly inflated death rates that were used to scare the population? The CDC’s own “Covid tracker” web page heads the “Deaths” column as “Deaths INVOLVING Covid-19” (my emphasis) – Note that they did not head it “Deaths CAUSED BY Covid-19”

      The CDC’s own “Hospitalization Tracker” lists Covid-related hospitalizations in the 18-and younger demographic – Dividing that number by the size of that demographic in the US (about 83 million) gives a 0.000015% or lower, chance of children being hospitalized at any time for “Covid-19 related conditions” – of those only 0.01% developed any serious symptoms requiring ICU – Compounding those percentages gives 0.00000015% – Statistically that is as close to ZERO % as one gets. They also state that the vaccines and boosters “pose MINIMAL risk to children 18 and younger”…

      …Minimal risk is still greater than zero risk. Yet they still push vaccination for kids as young as 6 months. By their own numbers, the vaccine increases risk…

    1. Carlos – whilst I would not disagree with your opinion – and you ARE entitled to it – Fauci must be brought before a Court of “Justice” before that can be finally asserted. Sadly I know of no such “Court” in the USA still operating after 2020 – before then there were indeed a few in most red States and the occasional one in a “blue” stained one – but NOW – can ANYBODY name even ONE that could be relied on to uphold both The Law and Justice ?
      Dear God, please return to America – Evil has gained control and is beyond the power of mere mortals to subdue it. Amen.

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