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HERE WE GO AGAIN! FBI Confirms Plans to Censor Americans AGAIN Leading Up to 2024 Election

A young agent a futuristic smartphone with the latest holographic technology augmented reality with the inscription "fbi".

For at least the past two elections, America’s intelligence agencies have been subverting American democracy by trying to influence the outcome and as fate would have it – 2024 is no different.

Federal Agencies like the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have confirmed their involvement in the 2024 race, once again partnering with Big Tech platforms to censor pro-Trump content or as they like to call it “disinformation.”

Senator Marker Warner – a Democrat who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee – told reporters that these federal agencies have restarted their discussions with Big Tech ahead of this November’s election.


Warner revealed that this collusion resumed in March of this year which, coincidentally, is around the same time that the Supreme Court was hearing oral arguments about the federal government’s censorship efforts and the federal government believed they had the court’s support to continue censoring speech in America.

Arguing in defense of censorship, Warner explained that the White House lawyers have been too timid into their interpretation of the Supreme Court case, and intelligence agencies had been rolling back their communications with social media companies as a result – but that’s all changed now.

“There seemed to be a lot of sympathy that the government ought to have at least voluntary communications with [the companies],” Warner claimed, emphasizing that the Biden administration should call out foreign entities that are allegedly trying to interfere with the US election.

These agencies claim that their coordination will focus on “removing disinformation on social media as the November presidential election nears” which we’ve all seen in the past really just means censoring conservative content to give the Democrats the best chance to remain in power.

When asked about whether or not Warner’s admission was true, the FBI CONFIRMED that it was, claiming that the Bureau is “committed to combatting foreign malign influence operations, including in connection with our elections.”

Keep in mind this is the same federal agency that WRONGLY accused Trump of working with the Russians in 2016…

The FBI rep went on to say that this means they will be sharing threat information with state and local election officials along with private sector companies.

We can go ahead and assume that none of the harmful information they warn about will be pro-Joe Biden – even though he is CLEARLY corrupted by Ukraine and China and they are very incentivized to keep him in power.

In the runup to the 2020 election these agencies were on a censorship war-path to control the narrative online and shield Joe Biden from any criticism. This included negative information about him and his family contained in the infamous Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” which basically confirmed that the family was as corrupt as they come.

That massive censorship campaign was necessary BEFORE Joe Biden became arguably the most hated president in American history. Now after almost four years of DESTROYING America look for these federal agencies to be even MORE aggressive to protect the Biden name.

This could get ugly.

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4 thoughts on “HERE WE GO AGAIN! FBI Confirms Plans to Censor Americans AGAIN Leading Up to 2024 Election”

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  2. The democrats have become the most power hungrey criminals in all of US history. And ever since Joe Biden crawed into office the justice system all went to hell along with Biden. We have a sick crawl-in President who hates the American people and a justice system that is all democrat so know democrats get locked up for their hungrey crimes. Its the most evil system that ever hit the white house and the American citizens will and is suffering from it. Can we change it- i hope so , but their is so much corruption in the voting system i don’t thank the honest citizens well get their true vote. And i guess old crooked Biden will let his illegal immigrants vote. The dirty trash needs pushed over high cliffs. Pray for the true American people for so much more hard times are coming for them if a democrat gets back in office for another four years–‘ this great country will become a trash bin for other countries to dump their garbage.


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